Francesco Gabbani
Francesco Gabbani is an Italian singer and multi-instrumentalist from Tuscany. Born in 1982, Gabbani grew up in a highly musical household; his family even owned the only music store in town.  At the age of four, Gabbani started playing the drums, and when he was nine he began playing the guitar. During his teenage years, Gabbani learned that he was able to express himself through music in a way that wasn't possible before, and music became his reason to live.
At the age of 18, Gabbani signed his first record deal with his project Trikobalto. The music videos of their first two singles even made it onto TV screens worldwide through MTV, All Music and Rock TV. Together they played at the most important Italian Festivals including Heineken Jammin Festival and opened for Oasis. Building on the success of their first album, 2010 saw the release of Trikobalto's second album. That year the band was chosen to open for the only Italian show of the Stereophonics.
In the spring of 2010 Francesco decided to leave the band and signed a record deal for his first solo project, his first official solo album Greitist Iz was released in 2013. Gabbani signed to BMG in 2015. In October BMG presented Gabbani's single 'Amen' at the Sanremo Giovani where the jury selected him to compete among twelve finalists. The Sanremo, which is broadcast live throughout Italy, was held in February 2016, during which Gabbani not only made it into the final four of the newcomers category, but also won.
Gabbani's album Eternamente Ora was released simultaneously with the Sanremo Festival on 12 February 2016, via BMG.
Alla porta i barbari, nascondi provviste e spiccioli
sotto la coda, sotto la coda, sotto la coda.
E i trafficanti d'organi e le razzie dei vandali
sono di moda, sono di moda, sono di moda.
Un visionario mistico all'università
mi disse l'utopia ci salverà.
Astemi in coma etilico per l'infelicità
la messa ormai è finita figli, andate in pace
cala il vento, nessun dissenso, di nuovo tutto tace.
E allora avanti popolo
che spera in un miracolo
elaboriamo il lutto con un Amen.
Dal ricco in look ascetico, al povero di spirito
dimentichiamo tutto con un Amen.
Il portamento atletico, il trattamento estetico
sono di moda, sono di moda, sempre di moda.
Ho l'abito del monaco, la barba del filosofo
muovo la coda, muovo la coda, colpo di coda.
Gesù s'è fatto agnostico, i killer si convertono
qualcuno è già in odor di santità.
La folla in coda negli store dell'inutilità
l'offerta è già finita amici andate in pace
cala il vento, nessun dissenso, di nuovo tutto tace.
E allora avanti popolo
che spera in un miracolo
elaboriamo il lutto con un Amen.
Dal ricco in look ascetico, al povero di spirito
dimentichiamo tutto con un Amen.
E l'uomo si addormentò e nel sogno creò il mondo
lì viveva in armonia con gli uccelli del cielo e i pesci del mare
la terra spontanea donava i suoi frutti in abbondanza
non v'era la guerra, la morte, la malattia, la sofferenza
poi si svegliò...
E allora avanti popolo
che spera in un miracolo
elaboriamo il lutto con un Amen.
Dal ricco in look ascetico, al povero di spirito
dimentichiamo tutto con un Amen.
(english translation)

Barbarians at the door, hide supplies and spare change
under the tail, under the tail, under the tail.
And the traffickers of organs, and the raids of the Vandals
They are fashionable, fashionable, fashionable.
A mystic visionary from the university
He told me that utopia will save us.
Abstainers fall in alcohol stupor for unhappiness,
Mass is now over, children, go in peace
the wind falls, no disagreement, everyhing keep silence.
So move forward people
hoping for a miracle
We embellish mourning with an Amen.
from the sober rich, to the poor in spirit
let's forget everything with an Amen.
The athletic poise, the beauty treatment
They are fashionable, fashionable and always in fashion.
I have the habit of a monarch, bearded philosopher
wag the tail, wag the tail, strike the tail.
Jesus has been a freethinker, the killers are converted
someone is already in the scent of holiness.
The crowd lines in the store of uselessness,
the offer is already over, friends go in peace
the wind drops, no dissent, again all is quiet
So move forward people
Hoping for a miracle
We elaborate mourning with an Amen.
from the sober rich, to the poor in spirit
forget everything with an Amen.
And the man will fell asleep and in his dream he created a world,
He lived there in harmony with the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea,
the earth gave fruit in abundance
there was no war, death, disease, suffering
and then he woke up ...
So move forward people
that hopes for a miracle
we elaborate mourning with an Amen.
from the sober rich, to the poor in spirit
forget everything with an Amen.
Francesco Gabbani - Fabio Illacqua